Hibberdene Boarding Kennels & Cattery


Thanks to the proactive work of our excellent security company manned by long serving and experienced personnel, we have been fortunate enough to experience exceptionally low crime rates in our area.

Ombidi patrols the area and checks all fences at various intervals both day and night.  We are also members of Azasos, the Hibberdene community watch as well as employing the services of Gladiator Security.

At night the electric perimeter fence enclosing the house, kennels and cattery is switched on as are perimeter floodlights and exterior kennel lights. The entire kennel and cattery areas are also fully fenced with weldmesh.

All kennel and cattery units have double mesh fronts for extra strength and security.

Our cattery and kennels are all built so that each unit's door opens onto a central passage with it's own exit door. This provides double security for wannabe escapes! All doors have dog and cat proof clips on them.
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